Humboldt Union in Bulgaria

The Humboldt Union in Bulgaria (founded in 1992) is a scientific and creative association of Bulgarian fellows and prize winners of the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Our Mission
To contribute to the strengthening of the scientific relations among Humboldtians in Bulgaria and in the region; to popularize Bulgarian science in Germany and German science in Bulgaria; to promote high standards of scientific research; and to raise the authority of Bulgarian science in the country and abroad.
Maintaining and developing a net of international scientific relations. Collaboration with state institutions and public organizations. Active participation in discussions on crucial problems of scientific policies and in initiatives of raising the public role of science.
International scientific meetings (Humboldt Kollegs) and public lectures on topical scientific issues (Humboldt Lectures).

Research opportunities in Germany

The German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is one of the most prestigious foundations, with a long history and great influence on world science. 47 Humboldtians are Nobel laureates.

About the Foundation”Alexander von Humboldt”

The foundation funds foreign scientists to carry out research at top German scientific institutions.
Around 600 new scholarships are awarded annually to young foreigners, around 80 awards to established scientists, and over 150 donations of scientific equipment and literature.
Returning to their home countries, Humboldtians are most often in the scientific elite of their countries.